

What is Internet marketing?

What is internet marketing?
Internet Marketing

Let's tackle the big questions right out of the gate okay what is internet marketing? and how can you. How could you possibly make money online. Let's talk about two terms specifically affiliate marketing which you may have heard a lot of if you're looking to make money online and internet marketing. You probably heard these terms and people through incorrectly use them interchangeably. Now affiliate marketing is essentially selling other people's stuff. I mean you know you could be an affiliate for a life insurance company sell policies over the phone. You make a commission that's affiliate marketing your sales person for that company. But you know you only make money when you sell something and you're using telemarketing to make the sales right.

So affiliate marketing it's a pretty simple concept. We go out we find things that people want us to sell sell for them. We make a commission for every sale that we make. So what's internet marketing well?. Just like we use telemarketing in the above example and that refers to sort of the way that we're going to sell something well. That's what internet marketing is it's the way we sell something which by the way doesn't have to be affiliate marketing right I'm just like. We could use telemarketing to sell other stuff. You know like our own products or services or retail operation of some kind where we had a stock of items that we've invested in well. We can use internet marketing to do something that that make sales other than affiliate marketing also.

Now many times you're using internet marketing tack tactics to do affiliate marketing. Because it's kind of the easiest thing to do online. So that's why these terms are often used together so much. But I wanted to be clear that they're really you know they're really two very different things. So again what is internet marketing? it's using online tactics and methods like paid search, search engine optimization, email marketing, article marketing any of these things and don't more. If you'd understand these right now all the capture the searchers online. The people that are browsing the web right and then selling those people, those searchers selling them stuff selling them affiliate it with the affiliate marketing model or you know as we discussed other ways that you can sell your own stuff and your own products and services. You know it's very similar to a real live business right that's on Main Street. But there's a couple of incredibly important differences you know in a live store brick-and-mortar store you do the same thing. I mean you stock other people's stuff for the most part you track people in off the street or through some kind of advertising. Phone book you get them to come into the store and you try to sell them the stuff right the big difference with internet marketing is that you don't need to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on a store inventory. Advertising rent employees on and on your store is really your website. 

The people that come in off the street are the online searchers and the stuff that you sell is all inventoried and kept by those other people or companies at least in the affiliate marketing model and that's why it's so popular right you don't have to have inventory or you know spend money upfront. You just get paid a commission every sale you make. So you could you could conceivably start up ten of these or a hundred of these businesses. You don't care if one of them doesn't quite work. Because there's really no risk. There's no barrier to entry. You haven't spent all this money right. You've just you invested some of your time. It's also incredibly hands off. You don't have to go to the store every day or worry about hiring two people to work there. You know the internet and technology are your employees. 

Now let's talk about a simple example of this let's say you've started a website about home theater. And you have all sorts of content on there about picking the right TV, the right DVD player and anything about that market well that's your store. Your website is your store. You have you know your sort of displays a nice-looking and helpful environment information. But it's all virtual and that stores open 24 hours a day seven days a week no one has to man it you know they don't to be there open it close it clean it pay for the rent.

Now you get the idea so let's further say that you recommend a particular TV to your readers or maybe you just run an advertisement a banner. You've all seen these on on sites and your site points to a vendor that sells that TV and other things. So a customer visits the store this vendor that sells through your site buy something you get paid a commission. I mean that's using internet marketing. We have a website somehow we got people to visit that website. We'll talk about that and we sold them on something using affiliate marketing. We just made money online and you know it could have even been while you were sleeping that's how people can say that ridiculous statement. You know I make money while I sleep because I I do. You know as crazy as it sounds right one more thing I want to talk about what you need for every successful project. You do with internet marketing a project can be thought of as you know a separate small business.

So that home theater site that was a project and each project has what we call a sales funnel and there are three components to that you need traffic. You need people coming into it. You need a website you need something to sell an offer. We call it a sales funnel because you know you want to pour customers or visitor's you know right into the top of the sales funnel and get sales out of the bottle. But in the middle you have to sell them somehow on your website. You must have all three of these things and they must work perfectly together. So you know traffic goes into the funnel goes to your website sales pop out the other end you need these three things. But you don't have to start with any of them in particular. You know maybe you start with finding some kind of an offer that you're really interested in or you found. A great traffic technique you like which we'll get to or you have an idea or see a website design you think will work. And don't worry if you don't even know what a website is or even remotely understand. How to build one there are lots of ways around that?. 

It's not important where you start that's my point only that you have all three ingredients and only that the funnel. You know works together that you get enough traffic going in that the website sells something well enough and that the offer pays you well enough that you're making good money so again. In our home theater example first the traffic you know may have come into the top of the final. Because the site shows up when people search on home theater so we got the top of the funnel covered the middle of the funnel is this great site with lots of interesting and valuable content information that makes people want to buy something. And then the sale is made when the customer clicks on the link. You know through that through your direct linking or through a banner or something and there you go that's a successful project to successful sales.


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